Biomimicry and Architectural Furniture

 As part of my research for my Platform project, I decided to explore the idea of creating a new space that has been inspired by the dome shape created by the branches of willow trees. My models expand on this idea:

Sustainable Urbanism: 'Defining Sustainable Urbanism'

After exploring the idea of 'Sustainable Building', I wanted to expand on the idea of sustainability and have started researching into the idea of 'Sustainable Urbanism', which I briefly touched upon in the previous post. Whilst undertaking this research I came across several interesting papers addressing this issue of sustainability and urbanism and why sustainability is so important for an urban environment.

Sustainable Urbanism explores the idea of imagining a grand unification of architecture, city planning,and environmental design for a better way of life.
[Defining Sustainable Urbanism: Towards a Responsive Urban Design]

Sustainable Urbanism draws attention to the enormous opportunity to redesign the built environment in a  manner that supports a higher quality of life and promotes a healthy and
Sustainable Urbanism grows out of three late 20th century reform movements that...highlight the benefits of intergrating human and natural systems. The smart growth, new urbanism and green building movements provide the philosophical and pratical bones of sustainable urbanism.
Sustainable Urbanism represents a generational shift in how human settlements are designed and developed.
[Sustainable Urbanism: Urban Design With Nature]

Sustainability Integrated within the design process:'...buildings based on timeless fundamentals, such as the human experience of space...leads to the assumption that sustainability in architecture is about an attitude of making place and space'
[Sustainability on the Urban Scale: ‘Green Urbanism’]

SourcesDefining Sustainable UrbanismSustainability on the Urban ScaleUN Habitat; Sustainable Urbanism: Urban Design With Nature

Design For Ethical Production: Architecture For Humanity

During the seminar on Ethical Production I was particularly interested in the charitable oragnaisation 'Architecture for Humanity'.

One of their many projects that captured my interest was the Biloxi Model Home Program which focused on the repair and rebuild family homes belonging to those who were affected by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

Through this program the rehabilitation of hundreds of partially destroyed housing stock provided a start for long-term reconstruction that addresses the way building are constructed in hurricane prone communities.

The goal of the Biloxi Model Home program is to provide design services and financial assistance for the construction of homes that for families in Biloxi, Mississippi whose houses were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. Families are paired with a team of professional designers who work with them one-on-one to design a new home for their property that is not only affordable but is also sustainable and meets the area's new building requirements.

Using the latest in materials research, disaster mitigation and sustainable building techniques, these designs address sustainability not only from a material and energy use stand point but in a community development sense as well. By rebuilding responsible homes in a devastated community families have a real base for contributing to the re-establishment of their community, rather than just getting by until the next disaster. 

This program approaches reconstruction in a mode that facilitates good design solutions by standardising processes and partnership strategies as opposed to standardising design. By this method disaster response programs may be established prior to disaster to allow effective relief in the critical time necessary.

Sources: ArchitectureForHumanity

TED'S TEN 8. Design for Ethical Production.

Today we explored the notion of 'ethical production' in response to our own design disciplines, this means that we explored the social impacts designers and sustainable development can have on a human level; we also examined existing companies:

Fair Trade:

Fair trade is a social and economic movement which promotes international standards of ethical production, labour and environmental policies in the trading of goods or commodities such as cotton. It includes principles such as payment at a fair price and gender equality.  
Where fair trade is a way of doing business, ethical production refers to the production of a textile product and encompasses the whole life cycle of the product from the raw materials, through the finishing processes, to the construction


Architecture For Humanity:
Design is important to every aspect of our lives. It informs the places in which we live, work, learn, heal and gather. We engage all stakeholders in the design process. We believe our clients are designers in their own right.Thoughtful, inclusive design creates lasting change in communities by: 

• Alleviating poverty and providing access to water, sanitation, power and essential services
• Bringing safe shelter to communities prone to disaster and displaced populations
• Rebuilding community and creating neutral spaces for dialogue in post-conflict areas
• Mitigating the effects of rapid urbanization in unplanned settlements
• Creating spaces to meet the needs of those with disabilities and other at-risk populations
• Reducing the footprint of the built environment and addressing climate change

TED'S TEN 7. Design to Replace the Need to Consume.

This Design Strategy addressed the idea that products can adapt and change with age and explored alternative forms of design and consumption such as co-design and collaborative consumption. We discussed the durability of a product and how the value of the material effects how we use it, i.e. our emotional relationship with the product.
“Most products create a small amount of empathy at the point of purchase , from that point on the length of the product’s lifespan depends upon how well the product can maintain empathy with the user. Waste, therefore, can be seen as expired empathy.”
Jonathan Chapman (2006)

Biomimicry Explored: Bringing Nature Into Architecture

From my research it is evident that the original understanding of biomimicry was to take inspiration from nature in its most literal sense, by making the buildings reflect the visuals of its original natural form. Today, designers are reproducing the functional systems that are found in nature in order to provide cooling, generate energy and even to desalinate water.

I have been really inspired by the idea of biomimicry and I am interested in incorporating this interesting idea of design into the work I am doing as part of my Platform which is to create a piece of 'Architectural Furniture for a small site'...

Sources: Archiscene; ArtNet

Biomimicry Explored.

I am really interested in the idea of biomimicry and came across an interesting paper:

By Maibritt Pedersen Zari

This paper explore the use of Biomimicry and the way ecosystems are emulated as a basis for design as a result of the potential it offers as a way to create a more sustainable and even regenerative built environment for both the present and the future.

From this table we can see the Biomimicry is split into three levels of application; the organism, behaviour and ecosystem.

Within each of these levels, a further five possible dimensions to the mimicry exist. The design may be biomimetic for example in terms of what it looks like (form), what it is made out of (material), how it is made (construction), how it works (process) or what it is able to do (function).

The organism level:  refers to a specific organism like a plant or animal and may involve mimicking part of or the whole organism
Waterloo International Terminal designed by Nicholas Grimshaw and Partners is able to respond to changes in air pressure as trains more through the terminal. It's glass panel fixings mimic the flexible, scaly Pangolin so they are able to move in response to imposed forces.

The behaviour level: refers to the mimicking behaviour, and may include translating an aspect of how an organism behaves, or relates to a larger context. In behaviour level biomimicry, it is not the organism itself that is mimicked, but its behaviour. 
An architectural example of biomimicry at the behaviour level is demonstrated by the CH2 Building in Melbourne, Australia. The design basis of this building is in part on techniques of passive ventilation and temperature regulation observed in termite mounds, in order to create a thermally stable interior environment. Water which is mined (and cleaned) from the sewers beneath the CH2 Building is used in a similar manner to how certain termite species will use the proximity of aquifer water as an evaporative cooling mechanism.

The ecosystem level: is the mimicking of whole ecosystems and the common principles that allow them to successfully function. 

An advantage of designing at this level of biomimicry is that it can be used in conjunction with other levels of biomimicry (organism and behaviour). It is also possible to incorporate existing established sustainable building methods that are not specifically biomimetic such as interfaced or bio-assisted systems, where human and non-human systems are merged to the mutual benefit of both.

An example is John and Nancy Todd’s Living or Eco Machines where the process of waste water treatment in ecosystems is mimicked and also integrated with plants. Eco-Machines offer unsurpassed environmental, technological, and economic advantages over conventional wastewater treatment options by mimicking the water purification processes found in wetlands and marshes.

Biomimicry and Cradle to Cradle.

Biomimicry – the art of drawing inspiration from nature’s designs – is a strategy often found depicted in sustainable forms of architecture, and this tree-inspired super-structure, designed by William McDonough (Cradle to Cradle), exemplifies a ‘healthy’ and high-tech eco design for the future. 

This latest proposal for the Tower of Tomorrow focuses on the possibilities of today, for a future context, integrating green and tree-like inspired systems in a super efficient, forward-thinking architectural design.

The shape of the building is aerodynamic, reducing the impact of the wind, while its curved form reduces the amount of materials needed for construction, increases structural stability and maximises enclosed space. Vegetation is abundant in the design of this structure, with a green roof and three-story atrium gardens planned on the western side of the building. 

In response to the use of water: the waste water from sinks and bathtubs would be recycled and used for irrigation in the building’s gardens; the waste water from gardens could further be reused in toilets. 
Water is recycled in the building several times over. Greenhouses treat wastewater from sinks and bathtubs for reuse as irrigation in the building's gardens, a process made possible when nontoxic cleaning products are used. Cleansed by the gardens, the water can be used again as non-drinking water—for example, in toilets.

In terms of how energy is preserved and generated, the southern façade would be made of about 100,000 square feet of ‘photovoltaic panels’ that convert sunlight into electricity. The robust system could provide up to 40 percent of the building’s needs. A combined heat-and-power plant would also be installed, to be fuelled by natural gas, which could supply the power that the solar panels cannot.
After a close study of the sun and shadows, the shape and orientation of the building are tailored to the site. This building faces south toward a park, so it can capture maximum sunlight, and its irregular form allows more daylight to reach the street. Gardens circle the base, contributing to the quality of life at street level.

A wall of 'photovoltaic panels' convert sunlight into electricity.
All products, from building materials to furnishings, could be recycled or returned safely to the earth in true Cradle-to-Cradle fashion.

TED'S TEN 6. Design that Looks at Models from Nature & History.

This seminar addressed the question:
How can the practices of the past and models from the natural world inform the process of design and production of the future? 
This strategy is about how much designers can find inspiration and information for future sustainable design from studying and reflecting upon the habits and societies of the past and from biomimicry.

“Biomimicry is a new design discipline that studies nature’s best ideas and then imitates these designs and processes to solve human problems.”  -

During the Seminar we covered:
Design to Minimise Waste Design that Looks at Models from Nature & History

Biomimicry (from bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning to imitate) is a design discipline that seeks sustainable solutions by emulating nature's time-tested patterns and strategies, e.g., a solar cell inspired by a leaf. The core idea is that Nature, imaginative by necessity, has already solved many of the problems we are grappling with: energy, food production, climate control, non-toxic chemistry, transportation, packaging, and a whole lot more.

Model: Biomimicry is a new science that studies Nature’s models and then emulates these forms, processes, systems, and strategies to solve human problems sustainably.

Mentor: Biomimicry is a new way of viewing and valuing nature. It introduces an era based not on what we can extract from the natural world, but what we can learn from it.

Measure: Biomimicry uses an ecological standard to judge the sustainability of our innovations. After 3.8 billion years of evolution, Nature has learned what works and what lasts.

Green Building in Zimbabwe Modeled After Termite Mounds 

TED'S TEN 5. Design that explores Cleaner/Better Technologies.

This seminar addressed methods of technology that would make more sustainable products. It explored ways that we could use new technologies to save water/energy/materials during the production phase. It s a design strategy that can be applied to all areas of design because it encompasses technologies that can be adapted and used in any aspect of design:

  • Light - laser cutting, laser etching, laser welding 
  • Water - water jet cutting 
  • Sound - ultrasonic welding, ultrasonic patterning 
  • Heat - welding, plasma cutting, extruding, reforming

  • Bio - GM technology, vanishing muslin, regenerated cellulose fibres 

  • Nano technology 

  • Production Technologies - zero waste cutting, 3D warp knitting 
  • Digital Printing - 2D and 3D 
  • Coating and Finishing - colour technologies, Teflon 

  • Smart - Piezoelectric materials, shape memory alloys and shape memory polymers, magnetic shape memory alloys, self-healing materials

  • Visioning - Second Life, body scanning, interactive. Devices - RFID tagging, mobiles, internet & communications

TED'S TEN 4. Design to Reduce Energy & Water Use

This aspect of TED'S TEN addresses the issues surrounding water consumption in the production and use of the product.
Having already explored the work by Unilever in creating a more sustainable company, they offered more information into the work they are doing in order to reduce water use wherever possible, because as a company they use water both directly – in the manufacturing of their products – and indirectly – particularly through the farmers who grow the raw materials and the consumers who use our products at home
The video below explains how Unilever's brands rely on water at every stage of their lifecycle and what they are doing to reduce the impact this has on the environment...

In relation to the Interior Design/Architecture Industry, RIBA has estabilished a number of 'Design Strategies' as part of their 'Sustainibility Hub' which aim to provide a list of sustainable strategies that can be applied at the early, conceptual stages of design in order to bring together the environmental, social and economic issues when designing a sustainable structure. 

One aspect of these Design Strategies, addresses the use of water conservation which explores ways to sustainably manage this resource:

What is it?
Water conservation is a design measure to establish more efficient use of water in order to reduce loss, use and waste. The intention is to reduce water demand and this can take several forms: water recycling, water saving devices and water storage areas. In households and businesses this involves water saving devices, water efficient equipment and recycling. In industry and particularly agriculture this can involve a change in production methods, such as drip irrigation over flood irrigation, wet silage based food products and improved rainwater harvesting and use.
Why use it?
Water is a precious natural resource and its sustainable management is essential to protect the water environment and to meet current and future demand. The average person in London uses 156 litres per day, 50% more water than we did in 1980. In London (mirrored by the rest of the UK) the population has grown by approximately 10% in the same period. Mean average rainfall is predicted to fall in the east of the country, affecting the highly populated southeast. We cannot sustain water consumption at this level nor rising consumption, therefore, we need to reduce consumption and conserve more water. Water supply is likely to rise in cost, therefore introducing water saving devices can also save costs on utility bills.
When to use it?
Water conservation measures should be used in the early design of all new buildings to deal with growing demand and ever growing shortages whether it is for residential, industrial, agricultural or commercial use. In existing buildings it is still possible to reduce water consumption through new fittings and fixtures such as low/dual flush toilets, aerated taps. Grey water recycling is far more expensive to retrofit than from the outset but and rainwater harvesting can be installed even if only to irrigate the garden.

 Sources: RIBA, Unilever

TED'S TEN 3. Design To Reduce Chemical Impacts.

Today's seminar addressed the issues concerning the use of appropriate processes and material selection in order to minimise the chemical input/Toxicity profile of the the final product. I felt that this seminar was very focused on the textile material aspect of design, because the textiles industry accounts for 25% of all the chemicals used worldwide.

However, after conducting some further research, I understood that the chemical impacts of textiles can have a huge effect on the Interior/Architecture Industry in the way they are used in building design, for example:

"Inside a new, state-of-the-art building, designed to meet the highest standards of energy efficiency - a building many would call environmentally intelligent or "green" - you might expect to be able to breathe clean air. 
You'd be mistaken. 
Clean, fresh indoor air is not a guaranteed by-product of green design. Indeed, a recent study in Germany found that air quality inside several highly rated energy-efficient buildings in downtown Hamburg was nearly four times worse than on the dirty, car-clogged street. For all the care taken to save energy by keeping out the elements with better insulation and leak-proof windows, no one considered the long-term effects of sealing in the chemically laden carpets, upholsteries, paints and adhesives used to finish the interiors." 
                                      'Redefining Green/A New Definition of Quality Empowers the Next Wave of Design'                                                 By William McDonough & Michael Braungart © 2002 

It is evident that chemicals therefore have a similar negative impact on the environment, no matter what profession uses them. 

Sustainability at Unilever.

During my exploration to expand my knowledge of sustainability, I came across the company Unilever, which is a  multinational corporation that owns many of the world's consumer product brands in foods, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products (e.g. Lynx, Ben & Jerry's, Dove, Flora, Hellmann's, Knorr, Lipton, Radox, Sure, TRESemmé, VO5).

Unilever: Environmental Sustainability
As a global company, they have recognised how their business and brands have impacts at every stage of their lifecycle: in sourcing raw materials, packaging, manufacture, distribution, consumer use and disposal and have consequently generated a Business Partner Code ensures that the suppliers meet expectations on environmental and social impacts. As a company they encourage consumers to be environmentally-aware when using their products, while also reformulating the products to reduce their environmental impact during use; as their video below explains...

Sources: Youtube, Wikipedia, Unilever

Cradle to Cradle Architecture.

McDonough and Braungart (Cradle to Cradle) believe that we can still have all of our comforts and maintain a modern lifestyle. They use nature as an metaphor for how we can redesign our world to be more eco-efficient:
"Consider the cherry tree: thousands of blossoms create fruit for birds, humans, and other animals, in order that one pit might eventually fall onto the ground, take root, and grow. Who would look at the ground littered with cherry blossoms and complain, How inefficient and wasteful! The tree makes copious blossoms and fruit without depleting its environment. Once they fall on the ground, their materials decompose and break down into nutrients that nourish microorganisms, insects, plants, animals, and soil. Although the tree actually makes more of its product than it needs for its own success in an ecosystem, this abundance has evolved (through millions of years of success and failure or, in business terms, R&D), to serve rich and varied purposes. In fact, the tree’s fecundity nourishes just about everything around it. What might the human built world look like if the cherry tree had produced?"

The Winning Entry in the "Cradle to Cradle" (C2C) International Design Competition:
A home that ends the paradigm of consumption and begins the paradigm of giving.

Winning entry by Coates and Meldrum.
Energy is neither created nor destroyed.  It is collected and returned.  This design utilizes timeless passive solar strategies by shielding unwanted summer sun and absorbing heat from low winter sun through its thermal mass.  Active solar collection provides the main source of necessary electrical energy.  The core extends vertically, clad with a super-conductive photosynthetic plasma cell skin that is able to generate more electrical voltage per area than contemporary photovoltaics.  Building on current research involving extracted spinach protein, this living skin is photosynthetic and phototropic it grows and follows the path of the sun, generating electricity in excess of single family needs.  Excess power is distributed to neighbouring homes and street lighting infrastructure.

Water is a crucial resource to life that should be enhanced by future development. This design integrates building with the landscape; a vegetated roof system collects and filters storm water into the building core. The core collects and supplies all household plumbing elements contained within it. Black and grey water are released to a primary septic tank below the core and eventually released as effluent to the "living garden". Garden beds along the entry receive irrigation and nutrients to provide site-yield vegetables. This system is engineered to accept and treat residential waste-water from neighbouring homes in addition to the primary residence to lessen off site dependency.

Materials should enable, not consume. Earth acts as a primary insulator and reduces building material use. Rapidly renewable soy-foam wall panels offer superior thermal resistance with minimal embodied energy. Reconstituted concrete with striated polymer mesh reinforcement efficiently supports the open building plan, allowing a flexible arrangement of partitions and spaces to accommodate present and future users.

From Cradle to Grave, to Cradle to Cradle.

Two of the most common and basic terms used in the Eco-Design discipline are “Cradle to Grave” and “Cradle to Cradle”. They relate to the life cycle of a product from the raw materials (Cradle) to disposal (Grave). 


A term used in life-cycle analysis to describe the entire life of a material or product up to the point of disposal. 
Our current recycling methods are ineffective and only serve to maintain the “cradle-to-grave” routine that we have been using for hundreds of years. 


A method used to minimise the environmental impact of products by employing sustainable production, operation, and disposal practices and aims to incorporate social responsibility into product development. 
All waste materials are productively re-incorporated into new production and use phases, i.e. “waste equals food.” [Michael Braungart, William McDonough, EPEA]

The book 'cradle to cradle,' by Architect William McDonough and Chemist Michael Braungart presents the reader with an explanation for why humans need a completely new agenda for how we interact with the world around us. They ‘…argue that the conflict between industry and the environment is not an indictment of commerce but an outgrowth of purely opportunistic design.’

The subject of the book revolves around the idea that in nature, waste equals food. All products are seen as nutrients within biological (natural) or industrial (technical) metabolisms. The authors envision a world where, when a material item gets worn out, you simply throw it on the ground to decompose. The aim of the book is to show why the usual responses we have developed in response to eco-design are ineffective, and what to do instead.

Not only does the book cover a rage of nature-inspired design principles that aid the industry in both a prosperous and sustainable manner, but the book itself is a physical symbol of the Cradle to Cradle theory. It is printed on a synthetic 'paper,' made from plastic resins and inorganic fillers, designed to look and feel like top quality paper while also being waterproof and durable. Not only is the book recyclable by conventional means, it can also be called a ‘technical nutrient’, which is an infinitely recyclable product. This 'treeless' book presents a day when synthetic books, like many other products, can be used, recycled, and used again without losing any material quality—in cradle to cradle cycles.

To Summarise:
Cradle to Cradle design refers to a production process where products are developed for closed-loop systems in which every output ingredient is safe and beneficial – either to biodegrade naturally and restore the soil (called a biological nutrient), or to be fully recycled into high-quality materials for subsequent product generations (called a technical nutrient)

Sources: Alternative Energy; Cradle to Cradle; Cradle to Cradle Design & ProductionDesignBoomEcomiiGreen Prophet; Yardavore; Youtube

The Recycled House - Penney Poyzer

Whilst I was researching into how to optimise the recycled aspect of domestic design, in particular the home, I came across the 'Recycled House' owned by Penney Poyzer. I am fascinated by Victorian Terraced homes and I have been really inspired by the way she has created her own 'eco-bubble' in a building that is notorious for consuming a lot of energy and consequently not being environmentally sustainable. Her home is the prime example of how to reduce the carbon footprint of your home and make your own living environment a greener place to be.

This diagram explains how low carbon refurbishment can make a significant impact on the amount of energy used and CO2 produced in the older housing sector, as a response to the energy issues affecting older housing.

In my opinion, it is not a particularly 'modern/high-tech' eco home like we are so used to seeing on programmes such as 'Grand Designs' but it adopts more simple methods of sustainable design such as more insulation, LED technology (uses less wattage than normal bulbs), in terms on kitchen appliances they are A and AAA rated along with an oven-microwave combination....etc

The diagram above marks out the areas that have been redesigned in order to achieve maximum benefits from a low-energy home through the use of super-insulation solutions, rainwater recovery, low flush toilets and foul waste composting, solar hot water and wood burning boiler and a variety of natural / non toxic finishes. The BBC website offers an amazing 360° tour of the house...

I am really interested in the recycled aspect of her house because it addresses an issue that needs to be addressed starting with 'the self'. How can we as singular human beings start to make a positive impact on the environment, and I believe the answer lies in creating our own sustainable way of life starting by addressing the way we live and what we consume and how these aspects of living can be used to make a positive change.

TED'S TEN 2. Design for Recycling/Upcycling


(1) A resource recovery method involving the collection and treatment of a waste product for use as raw material in the manufacture of the same or a similar product.

(2) The EU waste strategy distinguishes between: reuse meant as a material reuse without any structural changes in materials; recycling meant as a material recycling, only, and with a reference to structural changes in products; and recovery meant as an energy recovery only.


(1) The process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better quality or a higher environmental value.

(2) If one can add value – economic, emotional, intellectual, material – to a product through the process of reuse, whilst conserving resources that went into production, it can be called ‘upcycling’.

Designing Out Waste - Top 5.

In May 2009, the Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP), working in partnership with the Royal institute of British Architects (RIBA), launched the Designing out Waste competition. Having explored the ideas that were submitted and examining the design requirements, I could use these as sources of inspiration during the design process of my own work.
5 Principles of Designing out Waste: 
  1. Design for Reuse and Recovery;
  2. Design for Off Site Construction;
  3. Design for Materials Optimisation;
  4. Design for Waste Efficient Procurement;
  5. Design for Deconstruction and Flexibility
1) Architect: Pohkit Goh
       Key Designing out Waste features:
Proposal for office development
  • Innovative use of reclaimed materials and off site fabrication, modern methods of construction. 
  • Practical, cost effective solutions to maximise materials resource efficiency, whilst retaining architectural merit.
  • Flexible building design suitable for sites of different layouts and size, as well as being adaptable to future end-user requirements.
  • Designed for rapid on site assembly and future deconstruction

 2) Engineer: Buro Happold Ltd
        Key Designing out Waste features:
  • Reuse and renovation of existing foundations, materials and on site buildings.
  • Foundation systems and designs to reduce excavation.
  • Off site manufacture of kit of parts to enable fast & easy assembly.
  • Buildings designed to be adaptable to future end-user requirements.

3) Engineer/Landscape Architect: Battle McCarthy Ltd
         Key Designing out Waste features:
  • Materials resource efficiency pursued with architectural intent through an unusual concept.
  • Site excavation minimised - cut and fill policy with spoil used to anchor perimeter fabric.
  • Removal and reuse of inflatable air form membrane.

4) Architect: Open Arch Ltd
       Key Designing out Waste features
  • Modular, flexible pod system which can be used for a variety of purposes, in isolation or as part of a larger scheme, without compromising function or aesthetics.
  • Site excavation and groundworks minimised, reuse of subsoil in rammed earth walls.
  • “Soft” landscaping barriers used instead of “hard” sctructures.

5) Student: Svetlana Khidirova
(The Bartlett, University College London)
       Key Designing out Waste features
  • Reduction of waste through the reuse and recovery of redundant industrial artefacts

TED'S TEN 1. Design To Minimise Waste.

Designing to minimise waste addresses both pre and post consumer waste. In the lecture we learnt how '80% of a products environments and economic costs (are) committed by the final design stage, before production begins.'  - Greadel Et Al 1995:17

Designing Out Waste:

In doing some research into ways of designing to minimise waste, I came across this diagram which shows that the largest opportunities to influence waste reduction occur at the master planning stage. This is because during this stage there is flexibility in the designing process, it is also when key decisions are made which affect waste, such as decisions addressing the size and shape of the building will have dramatic effects on the amount of waste generated.

Life Cycle Thinking: 
The goal of Life Cycle Thinking is to identify possible improvements and reduce a product's environmental impacts and resource use, as well as improving its socio-economic performance throughout its life cycle. 
The key aim of Life Cycle Thinking is to avoid “burden shifting”. This means minimising impacts at one stage of the life cycle, while helping to avoid increases elsewhere. For example, saving energy during the use phase of a product, while not increasing the amount of material needed to provide it.

After examining these key aspects of designing to minimise waste, it was clear that during the process of design is to question whether we should design with degeneration in mind? Or should we assume the product/build is to be dismantled and recycled or upcycled?

Sources: Cycle Thinking & Assessment

Sustainable Building

Sustainable Design is form of design that meets the needs of the present without compromising or jeopardising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs and requirements. It is a development strategy that takes into account the impact aspects of design have on the environment and consequently tries to minimise environmental damage.


The building industry has a huge worldwide potential to help protect the environment and increase life comfort and well being through the use of sustainable materials and sustainable designs. The construction industry is the UK’s largest user of natural resources produces 120 million tonnes of waste per year, accounting for more than one-third of the UK’s annual waste. 25 million tonnes of this construction, demolition and excavation waste is disposed to landfill each year. It is estimated that £1.5 billion is wasted in unused materials. 

The Challenges of Urbanism on Sustainable Design:
URBANISM: '...the process that drives people to live in cities...'

         1. The culture or way of life of city dwellers.
         2. Urbanization.
         3. (Social Science / Human Geography)
               a. the character of city life
               b. the study of this

How can we design urban open spaces and grouping of buildings in such a way that only a minimum of energy is needed to light, ventilate, shade/cool, heat and service them?

Architecture and Sustainability Factors

Architecture presents a unique challenge in the field of sustainability. Construction projects typically consume large amounts of materials, produce tons of waste, and often involve weighing the preservation of buildings that have historical significance against the desire for the development of newer, more modern designs.

Sustainable construction is defined as “the creation and responsible management of a healthy built environment based on resource efficient and ecological principles”. Sustainably designed buildings aim to lessen their impact on our environment through energy and resource efficiency.

It includes the following principles:
  • Minimising non-renewable resource consumption
  • Enhancing the natural environment
  • Eliminating or minimising the use of toxic materials

“Sustainable building” can be defined as those buildings that have minimum adverse impacts on the built and natural environment, in terms of the building themselves, their immediate surroundings and the broader regional and global setting. Thus, the rational use of natural resources and appropriate management of the building stock will contribute to saving scarce resources reducing energy consumption and improving environmental quality.

Sources:; The World of HBP; Architecture Student

No. 1 Sustainable Design and Materials

As part of this elective in Sustainable Design and Materials, I have established this blog which will catalogue the information that I have gathered from lectures and present further research into the topics that have been discussed. Although this elective is heavily focused on TED [Textiles Environment Design] I intend to use the design strategies in relation to Interior and Spatial Design, and explore possibilities of reducing the impact ISD has on the environment.

As an ISD student I intend to focus my research and thoughts on design aspects involving architectural, interior and spatial design, hopefully resulting in exploring methods to create a 'greener' more sustainable environment to live, work and play in. 

I chose the above image because of the way it incorporates some of the ideas explored in TED's Ten Design Strategies and it's relation to Interior and Spatial Design.